Notice of Implementation of Stage 2 of Drought Contingency Plan

Due to ongoing drought conditions, the Central Harris County Regional Water Authority (CHCRWA) has implemented Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan. Because Harris County MUD 150 (MUD 150) is located within the boundaries of the CHCRWA, MUD 150 is required to initiate Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan and implement mandatory water use restrictions. Effective August 27, 2023, the following mandatory water use restrictions are in place:

Water Use Restrictions Applicable to Customers

  1. Customers shall be permitted to irrigate landscaped areas (with hose-end sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems), wash vehicles, and fill pools, fountains, etc. solely between the hours of 8:00 p.m. on the designated watering day and 6:00 a.m. on the following day as follows:
    • Customers with even numbered addresses and customers responsible for watering common areas such as esplanades and sports fields: Even numbered dates.
    • Customers with odd-numbered addresses: Odd numbered dates.
  2. Irrigation of landscaped areas is permitted at any time if it is by means of a hand-held hose, a faucet filled bucket or a water can of five (5) gallons or less.
  3. Vehicle washing shall be done with a hand-held bucket or hand-held hose equipped with a positive shutoff nozzle. (Note, vehicle washing on premises of a commercial car wash or service station is not subject to these watering restrictions).
  4. Operation of any ornamental fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes is prohibited except where necessary to support aquatic life or where such fountains or ponds are equipped with a recirculation system.
  5. Use of water from hydrants shall be limited to firefighting, related activities, or other activities necessary to maintain public health, safety, and welfare, except that use of water from designated fire hydrants for construction purposes may be allowed under special permit from MUD 150.
  6. All restaurants are prohibited from serving water to their patrons except when requested.
  7. Violations of these Restrictions may result in a fine of not less than $50.00 and not more than $500.00 per offense and repeat offenses may result in termination of service, all pursuant to the Drought Contingency Plan for MUD 150, a copy of which may be viewed at

Thank you for your cooperation – Customers will be notified when these restrictions are no longer required or if conditions warrant additional conservation measures.

Notice of Implementation of Stage 1 of Drought Contingency Plan

Due to ongoing drought conditions, the Central Harris County Regional Water Authority (CHCRWA) has implemented Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan. Because Harris County MUD 150 (MUD 150) is located within the boundaries of the CHCRWA, MUD 150 is required to initiate Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan and implement voluntary water use restrictions. Should drought conditions worsen, the CHCRWA and MUD 150 may require mandatory water use restrictions. Effective immediately, the following voluntary water use restrictions are in place:

  • Voluntary Water Use Restrictions Applicable to Customers. Customers and those responsible for watering common areas such as esplanades and sports fields are requested to voluntarily limit the irrigation of landscaped and other areas and to irrigate said areas only between the hours of 8:00 p.m. on the designated watering days and 6:00 a.m. the following days according to the following schedule:
    • Customers with even numbered addresses: even numbered dates
    • Customers with odd numbered addresses: odd numbered dates
  • Customers are requested to practice water conservation and to minimize or discontinue non-essential water uses such as vehicle washing, power washing or spraying down surfaces (other than for fire protection), gutter flushing, and refilling swimming pools, hot tubs or aesthetic fountains (except those that support aquatic life).
  • Customers are encouraged to check for and repair all leaks, dripping faucets, and running toilets.

Thank you for your cooperation – Customers will be notified when these restrictions are no longer required or if conditions warrant additional conservation measures.

Voluntary Water Restrictions in Place

The City of Houston and the Central Harris County Regional Water Authority (CHCRWA) have both implemented Stage 1 of their respective Drought Contingency Plans. As a customer of the CHCRWA, Harris County MUD 150 is required to implement Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) immediately.

Voluntary Water Use Restrictions Applicable to Customers. Customers are requested to voluntarily limit the irrigation of landscaped and other areas, and to irrigate said areas only between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. on the following days as follows:

  • Customers with even numbered addresses and those responsible for watering common areas such as esplanades, parks and sports fields should limit irrigation to Even Numbered Dates
  • Customers with odd numbered addresses should limit irrigation to Odd Numbered Dates

Additionally, customers are requested to practice water conservation and to minimize or discontinue non-essential water uses such as vehicle washing, power washing or spraying down surfaces (other than for fire protection), gutter flushing, and refilling swimming pools, hot tubs or aesthetic fountains (except those that support aquatic life).  Customers are also encouraged to take action to repair any known water leaks.

Dropbox Payment Temporarily Unavailable

Attention Mud 150 residents,

The dropbox payment option is temporarily suspended until further notice due to individuals breaking into the dropbox window at WWWMS’s office late Sunday night early Monday morning.

Once the Board of Directors has determined a new dropbox location, we will inform all residents.

For other payment options, please go to the Water Info tab or click the following link

If you have any questions, please contact WWWMS 281-895-8547 or send your questions through the Contact page.